List of Museums in West Beach, Adelaide (Australia)

There are 1 museums in the borough of West Beach, Adelaide, Australia. Below you will find some general information about each of them. Click the details link to get more data about open hours, accessibility, exhibitions, and more.

Charles Sturt Museum

Charles Sturt Museum in Adelaide, Australia – Museum Information
Name:Charles Sturt Museum
State:South Australia
Borough:West Beach
Address: Jetty St, Grange SA 5022, Australia (View on Google Maps)

The Charles Sturt Museum is located in a quiet area of Adelaide, South Australia. This museum focuses on the life and contributions of Charles Sturt, an important figure in Australia’s exploration history. The museum features a collection of artifacts dating back to South Australia’s early colonization. Visitors can enjoy informative guided tours that typically last around an hour, allowing them to explore the intricacies of Sturt’s legacy. The museum is only open on the first and third Sundays of each month.

In addition to its well-curated exhibits, the museum hosts events like birthday celebrations for Charles Sturt, which include keynote speeches and activities. The recent renovations have improved the presentation of artifacts, and visitors can also appreciate the surrounding gardens. The museum serves as a valuable resource for those interested in South Australian history and its cultural heritage.

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