List of Museums in Glenora, Edmonton (Canada)

There are 1 museums in the borough of Glenora, Edmonton, Canada. Below you will find some general information about each of them. Click the details link to get more data about open hours, accessibility, exhibitions, and more.

Alberta Railway Museum

Alberta Railway Museum in Edmonton, Canada – Museum Information
Name:Alberta Railway Museum
Category:Rail museum
Address: 24215 34 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5Y 6B4, Canada (View on Google Maps)

The Alberta Railway Museum is an outdoor museum located in Edmonton, Alberta, dedicated to preserving Canada’s railway heritage. It features a diverse collection of historic locomotives, including both passenger and freight trains. The museum is typically open to the public on summer weekends, allowing visitors to explore train cars up close and even ride a speeder car for a nominal fee. Tours vary in length, often taking a few hours, giving guests ample time to engage with the exhibits and learn about the importance of rail transportation in Canadian history.

Visitors can expect to see a range of unique items, showcasing the evolution of rail technology over the decades. The museum provides insights into different types of trains and their uses, enhancing the educational experience with activities and materials for children. While exploring the grounds, guests can enjoy beautiful gardens and sometimes sample local treats like wild strawberries.

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