List of Museums in Subiaco, Perth (Australia)

There are 1 museums in the borough of Subiaco, Perth, Australia. Below you will find some general information about each of them. Click the details link to get more data about open hours, accessibility, exhibitions, and more.

Western Australian Medical Museum

Western Australian Medical Museum in Perth, Australia – Museum Information
Name:Western Australian Medical Museum
State:Western Australia
Address: Harvey House, Railway and Barker Rd, Subiaco WA 6008, Australia (View on Google Maps)

The Western Australian Medical Museum is located in Harvey House, which is part of King Edward Memorial Hospital in Subiaco, Perth. This museum houses an extensive collection of medical equipment and artifacts, showcasing the evolution of healthcare practices over the years. Visitors can expect a self-guided tour taking about an hour. The museum is open on Wednesdays and every second Sunday, with a modest entry fee, providing access to its fascinating displays despite being a relatively small space.

Exhibits include an operating theatre, a dental surgery, and a display featuring an iron lung alongside early hospital artifacts. Highlights also encompass the Royal Flying Doctor Service, Aboriginal medicine, and various historical instruments that illustrate the progression of medical science. With well-detailed descriptions making the displays accessible to all, the museum serves as an informative resource for those interested in the history and development of healthcare in Western Australia.

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