The Complete List Of Magic Towns (Pueblos Magicos) in Mexico

Magic towns (or pueblos magicos in Spanish) are not Harry Potter theme parks as their name might lead you to believe. They are some of the most visited places in Mexico and most of them are worth checking out.

However, since there are so many, it is hard to keep track of all of them. So, in this article we have made a handy table that lists all of them ordered by the estate they are in so you can easily consult which magic towns are near Mexico City, which Magic towns are near Guadalajara, etc.

We have also included their official tourism website where available as well as a google maps link so you can get a better view of their location.

What is a Magic Town (Pueblo Magico)?

A magic town (pueblo magico) is a title that is given to some places in Mexico that are exceptional for their culture, traditions, architecture, food, nature, or historical relevance. These are towns that stand out and that Mexico wants to preserve due to their relevance. Of course, these also makes them very much worth a visit.

It is common for magic towns to have a very traditional, colorful, and inspiring feel to them. While Mexico has many big, modern urbanized cities, these are the kind of towns where the traditions are preserved. Here’s where you’ll find the colonial architecture, traditional dancers, colorful decorations, and where people live a more relaxed lifestyle.

Being named a pueblo magico is not only an honor, but also a responsability for the town as it means they’ll have to put extra effort in preserving the reasons why they got the title in the first place. It also represents an economic benefit as it attracts lots of toruists. A few towns have actually been almost revived just by being named pueblos magicos.

Some of the most popular magic towns that attract tourists from all over the world are San Cristobal de las Casas, Tequisquiapan, Bacalar, Tequila, Valle de Bravo, Mitla, and Tepoztlan.

There are currently 132 pueblos magicos.

List of Magic Towns (Pueblos Magicos)

Magic Town (Pueblo Magico)EstateWebsiteMap
San José de GraciaAguascalientesofficial sitemap
CalvilloAguascalientesofficial sitemap
Real de AsientosAguascalientesofficial sitemap
TecateBaja Californiamap
LoretoBaja California Surofficial sitemap
Todos SantosBaja California Surmap
Isla AguadaCampecheofficial sitemap
PalizadaCampecheofficial sitemap
San Cristóbal de las CasasChiapasofficial sitemap
Chiapa de CorzoChiapasofficial sitemap
ComitánChiapasofficial sitemap
PalenqueChiapasofficial sitemap
Casas GrandesChihuahuaofficial sitemap
CreelChihuahuaofficial sitemap
BatopilasChihuahuaofficial sitemap
Parras de la FuenteCoahuilamap
Melchor MúzquizCoahuilaofficial sitemap
CandelaCoahuilaofficial sitemap
GuerreroCoahuilaofficial sitemap
Cuatro CiénegasCoahuilaofficial sitemap
ComalaColimaofficial sitemap
MapimíDurangoofficial sitemap
Nombre de DiosDurangoofficial sitemap
San Juan Teotihuacán y San Martín de las PirámidesEdo de Méxicomap
El OroEstado de Méxicoofficial sitemap
MalinalcoEstado de Méxicomap
AculcoEstado de Méxicoofficial sitemap
Ixtapan de la SalEstado de Méxicoofficial sitemap
TepotzotlánEstado de Méxicoofficial sitemap
TonaticoEstado de Méxicoofficial sitemap
Valle de BravoEstado de Méxicoofficial sitemap
Villa del CarbónEstado de Méxicoofficial sitemap
MetepecEstado de Méxicoofficial sitemap
Jalpa de CánovasGuanajuatoofficial sitemap
YuririaGuanajuatoofficial sitemap
Mineral de PozosGuanajuatoofficial sitemap
ComonfortGuanajuatoofficial sitemap
Dolores HidalgoGuanajuatoofficial sitemap
Taxco de AlarcónGuerreroofficial sitemap
Real de MonteHidalgomap
HuichapanHidalgoofficial sitemap
Huasca de OcampoHidalgoofficial sitemap
Mineral del ChicoHidalgoofficial sitemap
ZimapánHidalgoofficial sitemap
TecozautlaHidalgoofficial sitemap
San Pedro TlaquepaqueJaliscomap
San Sebastián del OesteJaliscoofficial sitemap
Talpa de AllendeJaliscoofficial sitemap
MazamitlaJaliscoofficial sitemap
MascotaJaliscoofficial sitemap
TapalpaJaliscoofficial sitemap
Lagos de MorenoJaliscoofficial sitemap
TequilaJaliscoofficial sitemap
PátzcuaroMichoacánofficial sitemap
Jiquilpan de JuárezMichoacánofficial sitemap
Cuitzeo del PorvenirMichoacánofficial sitemap
Paracho de VerduzcoMichoacánofficial sitemap
TacámbaroMichoacánofficial sitemap
Mineral de AngangueoMichoacánofficial sitemap
Tlalpujahua de RayónMichoacánofficial sitemap
TzintzuntzanMichoacánofficial sitemap
Santa Clara del CobreMichoacánofficial sitemap
TepoztlánMorelosofficial sitemap
TlayacapanMorelosofficial sitemap
Compostela de IndiasNayaritofficial sitemap
JalaNayaritofficial sitemap
SayulitaNayaritofficial sitemap
MexcaltitánNayaritofficial sitemap
SantiagoNuevo Leónofficial sitemap
BustamanteNuevo Leónofficial sitemap
LinaresNuevo Leónofficial sitemap
San Pedro y San Pablo TeposcolulaOaxacaofficial sitemap
San Pablo Villa de MitlaOaxacaofficial sitemap
Santa Catarina JuquilaOaxacaofficial sitemap
Huautla de JiménezOaxacaofficial site
Capulálpam de MéndezOaxacamap
MazunteOaxacaofficial sitemap
CholulaPueblaofficial sitemap
ChignahuapanPueblaofficial sitemap
Cuetzalan del ProgresoPueblaofficial sitemap
Zacatlán de las ManzanasPueblaofficial sitemap
PahuatlánPueblaofficial sitemap
TlatlauquitepecPueblaofficial sitemap
Tetela de OcampoPueblaofficial sitemap
XicotepecPueblaofficial sitemap
Amealco de BonfilQuerétaroofficial sitemap
BernalQuerétaroofficial sitemap
Jalpan de SerraQuerétaroofficial sitemap
Cadereyta de MontesQuerétaroofficial sitemap
San JoaquínQuerétaroofficial sitemap
TulumQuintana Rooofficial sitemap
BacalarQuintana Rooofficial sitemap
Isla MujeresQuintana Rooofficial sitemap
Real de CatorceSan Luis Potosíofficial sitemap
AquismónSan Luis Potosíofficial sitemap
Santa María del RíoSan Luis Potosímap
XilitlaSan Luis Potosíofficial sitemap
El FuerteSinaloaofficial sitemap
El RosarioSinaloaofficial sitemap
MocoritoSinaloaofficial sitemap
CosaláSinaloaofficial sitemap
Magdalena de KinoSonoramap
TulaTamaulipasofficial sitemap
MierTamaulipasofficial sitemap
HuamantlaTlaxcalaofficial sitemap
TlaxcoTlaxcalaofficial sitemap
CoatepecVeracruzofficial sitemap
CoscomatepecVeracruzofficial sitemap
OrizabaVeracruzofficial sitemap
Zozocolco de HidalgoVeracruzofficial sitemap
IzamalYucatánofficial sitemap
ValladolidYucatánofficial sitemap
SisalYucatánofficial sitemap
Teúl de González OrtegaZacatecasofficial sitemap
Jerez de García SalinasZacatecasofficial sitemap
SombrereteZacatecasofficial sitemap
Nochistlán de MejíaZacatecasofficial sitemap
PinosZacatecasofficial sitemap
GuadalupeZacatecasofficial sitemap